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Advisory Board  
       Wayne Mones         Trumbull 203-261-4844
Jack Nogueira  Middlebury  203-577-8585 
Robert Zuccaro  Sea Pines, NC Advisor To The Board
Matt Mones Trumbull 203-243-0921
Jimmy Olayos Shelton Advisor To The Board

Club President
Wayne Mones
19 Rutlee Drive
Trumbull, CT 06611
(203) 667-9207

Club Registrar
Julie Ledford
203-848-0468 C

Referee Assignor
Eduardo Mozzo
203-395-8202 C

Goalkeeper Coach
Andrew Nucifora

Treasurer/Field Coordinator
Jack Nogueira
(203) 577-8585 H
(203) 606-4954 C